

What this blog is all about:
This blog initially began as a way of showing our progress as we renovated a house. But I want it to become much more than that. This blog will eventually begin to evolve to encompass  the crafting that I do, how my home is decorated (which will change with the seasons, I love decorating!) and my musings on life as a newlywed and just on life in general.

Why call it "The Nest Project"?:
I originally named this blog "Home Sweet Laborious Home" (I feel like a comma should be involved somewhere). However, when I decided to let this blog become more than just a renovation blog, the name did not seem to fit quite as well. And, it was an incredible mouthful to say.
The Nest Project came to mind because this blog will deal a great deal with my house (my nest) and how I make it into a home by renovating it and decorating it with handmade items (and store bought... I do love to shop).

About Us:
We got married in October of 2010 and I've decided we're newlyweds until we hit that one year mark. I don't think that there's an official cut off line anyway! Joey and I (Rachel) are both 20- somethings that are greatly enjoying our new marriage and all of the adventures that it is bringing. We also have a cat, named Charlie, who we enjoy torturing almost as much as she enjoys torturing us. (Kidding, we really do love the silly little thing.) She is a girl, despite her rather masculine name, and despite the fact that I more commonly refer to her as "Charles" or "Charles P. Kitty-Cat, Esquire."

See, torture.