
Saturday, June 25, 2011

More Updates soon! And I need your opinion!

Hi everybody!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. We've been very busy with work, school, and trying to sort and pack up both our apartment and all of the previous owner's belongings that are in the house. We're getting ready for a massive garage sale in a couple of weeks and recently getting things out of the house has been more important than actually painting or fixing up the house. Luckily, we're making great headway on cleaning out the house and we'll be back to fixing it up in another week or so! We're buying more paint and supplies tomorrow to help us get ready. So, look for another update soon!

Also, I need some opinions. Right now I've temporarily changed the name of the blog from "Home Sweet Laborious Home" to "The Nest Project", mostly because the first name was a huge mouthful. What do you think? Or do you have any other suggestions?

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