
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Beginnings of a Bathroom and The Garage Sale

My darling wonderful amazing husband was able to start on the bathroom today! Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay! (Was that enough yays?)

I have been looking forward to this more than anything else because that bathroom literally looked like a scene from a horror movie. There were weird red stains and splotches on the ceiling, stains on the walls, and the toilet and bathtub were their own little nightmare worlds. I didn't want to post the before pictures of this room until some progress had been made so that I didn't hear "Dear God Rachel, what on earth were you thinking?" and instead I might hear "Wow Rachel, you have an amazing husband who knows how to do so many handy dandy things!" Or... you know, something like that.

Are you ready for this? Cue the horror music...

Yup... that was scary. The bathroom is still a work in progress, but I have to say this is the only time I've ever heard of a wall being removed and the area looking better. Yeah. Here are some in between shots...

The walls are slowly disappearing...

All gone!

Seriously, doesn't that look better?

And a few of my Darling Joey putting the backer board up! He used extra strong liquid nails to attach the backer board to the studs, then he put screws in every 4 inches along each of the studs. This has to be super sturdy because the tile will be attached to this wall.

He removed all the mildew and the walls! He's my hero!

Beautiful, fresh, clean backer board.

And I wasn't just sitting idle while he completed all this work! I spent the last two days having a garage sale to get rid of unwanted items in the house as well as some items that I didn't want anymore from all of my stuff.

Not as much stuff out the second day into this.

We got rid of everything (between selling it and goodwill), and thank goodness for that because carrying it all in and out was getting tiring. And now it's all gone from the house. Now there is only... a whole bunch left to remove. Sigh. I have to keep reminding myself that progress is being made and that we are accomplishing something.

****At some point in the near future I'm going to have a giveaway. However, I'm not going to do one until I have more followers and it will only be open to followers. So, if you aren't a follower but you read my blog... go click on the little "Follow" button on the right! It'll make me happy!****

1 comment:

Breenah said...

The end of the garage sale is always my least favorite, because even if you sold a LOT there's still a lot to be taken to Goodwill.