
Monday, July 25, 2011

Tile & 2 Days to Move In

Good morning chickadees! How is everybody today? I am tired and stressed, thanks for asking! But, the end is in sight and that is a fabulous feeling!

Most of what I've been doing has been boring (cleaning the house and packing the apartment) so I won't bore you with that, other than to say that I am a packing rock star.

Yesterday I took a break from the boring stuff to work on pretty-fying the house again. Megan (who is awesome, no lie) came by to help me paint for a few hours!

Super Megan! She is the butt-saving hero.
This should be gorgeous when the walls are finished and the trim is actually painted instead of just primed!

Between the two of us, we got more trim and windows primed, the living room (mostly) painted green, and the bedroom (mostly) painted green as well! The mostly just means that I either A) couldn't get to a few spots due to furniture still being in the room and I couldn't move it by myself to paint behind or B) I just completely ran out of green paint... depending on which room we're talking about. However, the vast majority of each of these rooms is painted now!

So much better than the yellowed white that these walls used to be.

The color isn't really coming through in some of these pictures, it was way too bright outside when I took them. But this is the color the walls are...

What is even more exciting than the paint (which is exciting, don't get me wrong) is the fact that Joey is 99% of the way done with the tile! Remember this bathroom before? When it was stained old plastic tile stuff that looked horrible?

Here it is now...

It hasn't been caulked yet and the grout is drying so it looks darker right now... but seriously, how good is my hubby?

I want to die it's so pretty. Ok, then I couldn't take showers in it or stand and admire his handiwork... but you get the point.

The movers are coming on Wednesday morning and here's our list to do before they show up:
  1. Clean up debris and construction material from floors of house.
  2. Clean all floors in house.
  3. Finish wiping down cabinets and counters in house.
  4. Caulk and seal the bathtub.
  5. Finish packing apartment.
Eeep. Not going to panic... not going to panic...

1 comment:

justalive said...

You can do it, Rachel! I'm really excited to see the final pictures when you guys are done. This is great that you two are doing this together!