
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tile, Better Pictures, and a Future Giveaway!

Ready for a look at our beautiful tile? It hasn't been put on the wall yet, but here's a sneak peak:
This is the border that will be put near the top of the shower area.

Here is what it will look like, with two rows of the thicker stuff above the border and many rows underneath.

I love it, I think it's gorgeous. And considering what the bathtub looks like now... it really can only improve.

I haven't shown you the scary part yet. We'll get there when we post final "after pics".
Yesterday, Joey discovered what can only be described as ant-pocalypse. I have never in my life seen so many ants, thank goodness they were outside! However, he carried out a perfect mass extermination and now they are all gone!

There hasn't been much that has been picture worthy over the last few days. We've still been sorting and packing the house. However, today we'll be able to get the furniture out. After hearing how panicked I was about finding out that we had to move all of the furniture out of the house we're moving into, my mom was gracious enough to rent us a truck for today! So, we'll be off to get that and get to work very soon!

You may have noticed that my pictures aren't completely terrible today! I'm borrowing my brother's amazing Cannon Rebel. It's fabulous and I love it. I don't fully know how to use it yet, but I'm getting there.

Two last things before I go get back to this never ending work:

1) Check out my new "About" section tab up at the top, it's nifty.
2) At some point in the near future I'm going to have a giveaway. However, I'm not going to do one until I have more followers and it will only be open to followers. So, if you aren't a follower but you read my blog... go click on the little "Follow" button on the right! It'll make me happy!

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