
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shopping Trips and Injuries

I took the hubby on a surprise shopping trip yesterday! Ok, so really I got him in the car and wouldn't tell him where we were going... but that counts, right? Here is a sneak peak of some of the goodies we picked up!

Vinyl Tile for bathroom floor

Bathroom sink

Kitchen sink (we'll buy a fancy one later)

Welcome mat!

We also picked up some supplies (boring, but necessary) and some plane jane faceplate covers for light switches and electrical sockets. The old ones were all yellowed and I want them to look crisp and clean!

We (finally) got (almost) everything moved out of that house! That turned into probably the biggest, most stressful, most infuriating debacle so far in my life, but most everything has been packed and removed from the house. If you need any furniture... there is a ton on my street corner for free.

Through all of this unnecessary packing of stuff that wasn't mine, I really messed up my shoulder/arm. I'm going to try and get to the doctor tomorrow. But, one way or the other I still have to pack my entire apartment up, paint the house, and help Joey any way I can... all in 9 days! Oh goodness... think happy thoughts for me, I'm going to need them!

(And leave me comments and subscribe! Maybe that'll fix my arm? Good thoughts can do that, right?)


Anonymous said...

I'd have to say, Joey really lucked out on this one. The last time you put *me* in a car and wouldn't tell me where we were going, I ended up in Oklahoma.

Breenah said...

Neil! I remember that!

I'll always let you put me in a car and not tell me where we're going Rachel :)

BTW, I like your blog background :)