
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This and That. 8 Days til Move In

Check out Joey's mad photo skills.

We only have one of those flowers in the yard, but it's beautiful! We're down to only having 8 days to go until the move... and we're getting incredibly nervous. Not much has been packed and not a single room at the house is finished entirely. So... anyone want to paint? Anyone? Anyone?

Really, we can move in without it being painted. The only things that absolutely must be done before next Wednesday are:
  1. Pack up the apartment
  2. Finish the bathtub
  3. Clean the entire house. (It's very dusty, still has assorted items in it that need removed, and the floors need a good hard clean)
Really, that's it... it's a lot. But that is all that has to be done. I'd love the whole place to be painted and happy... but I really don't see that happening. It can all be painted after we move in, so that's good at least.

Joey had some amazing progress with the bathtub yesterday. Look at that beautiful tile! I can't wait until he starts putting the trim up, it's going to look amazing!

The before picture for the fixtures.
He also switched out the fixtures yesterday. They were not so pretty before and the calcium was affecting how usable the fixtures were.

Shiny and new!
He'll put the nozzle and knobs on after he puts up the backer board and tiles. He also secured the pipe leading up to the shower head. Someone along the line took a shortcut and just let it stand free without support.

See... it just kind of stands there. Now it's fixed!
He was also awesome enough to remove one of the window air conditioning units that didn't work and was just looking terrible... now it's gone and ready to be primed and painted!


I spent time cleaning. Some of the dust I cleaned yesterday was literally older than I was. Here's a reminder people: you should clean the top of your refrigerator. Dust gets really hard to remove when it's been there for 20 to 30 years. I wiped down the top of the fridge, the insides of some of the cabinets, the air conditioners, and most of the window frames (yes, those have to be cleaned too... and if you wait years, they really really need cleaned).

I got tired of cleaning and painted some window trim. I did two of these suckers and this is the smaller of the two. Unfortunately, I think that my painting days are over until I get everything else done. That Kilz just makes all of the old damaged wood look clean, so I keep tricking myself into thinking that needs to be done before move in... but it really doesn't.


I started packing up the apartment yesterday too. I feel better about having a bit more of it done, but there is still so much to do there. I had a slight mental break down and just kept saying "it can't get done! We don't have time!" until Joey banished me from the house and sent me to go get a massage. I need to have more mental breakdowns if that's what I get! haha.

Tonight I have a Girl Scout leader training I have to go to, so we aren't going to do any work at the house. Joey is going to pack and do some dishes and cleaning while I'm gone. Isn't he a good hubby? And when I get home I'll keep trucking right along with the packing!

PS. I have 9 followers now! Who wants to make me super happy and be my 10th?


Megan said...

I can help in my off hours! I know you have to work during the day but I'd be happy to help pack up your apartment in the mornings. It will make me feel better about not being done packing my own apartment. Just let me know.

Anonymous said...

[i]"Here's a reminder people: you should clean the top of your refrigerator."[/i] Some of us can actually see the tops of our refridgerators, giving us visual clues as to when the should be cleaned. ^_^